Thursday, December 4, 2008

New for the Holidays

Manchester, NH - Just released by local artist, Karin Bolton:  a series of original photographs in 4 sizes.  Available exclusively at E. W. Poore's!
Bolton, a graduate of the Photography Certificate Program at the New Hampshire Institute of Art and a juried member of the League of New Hampshire Craftsman, specializes in capturing the local flavor and essence of rural New Hampshire.  
Stop in today to see her new images.  Prices range from $10 to $40, and we have frames all ready for your favorite!  Perfect Gift for the hard-to-Buy-for person on your list!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Check out our New Website

Manchester, NH - I am a believer in goals.  Setting them, sometimes accomplishing them, and always learning as I go along.  
One of my goals for 2008 was to establish an actual website for E. W. Poore.  In April I made major steps toward that goal by learning how to blog with this site at  Over the summer and fall I managed to keep this going, and in November the site was born.  
Yesterday, I learned how to put a link to a PDF file on the website, and now you can pull up the Art Studio flyer from!
I hope you will visit and visit often.  Add it to your favorites.  I'll keep learning and adding to it!

New Class with Jeanne Lachance

Manchester, NH - Jeanne Lachance is offering a new class on Saturday mornings, Beginning & Intermediate Drawing.  This is a great class for the artist that is just beginning, or ready to challenge themselves by developing the skills for capturing the essentials of what you, the artist, are seeing.  Students will be working from both photos and still life setups.  This is a fantastic opportunity to study with Jeanne on the weekend - the first time in years that she has been available to our weekend artists.  Come join the fun, this class is designed for teens & adults.

Art Classes for Kids!

Manchester, NH -  Our classes for kids department is expanding with the addition of classes for two new age groups.

On Wednesday afternoons, the sounds of children creating art will be heard from the Studio.  Pat Steiner will be leading a group of 4 & 5 year olds with their parents during the 2 pm - 3pm time period.  And at 3:30pm, 6 & 7 year olds will take over as they begin creating lots of different art projects.  These 6 week classes start on January 7th, 2009.  Tuition is $60.  and includes all materials.  

On Thursdays at 3:30, Drawing & Painting for 8 - 12 year olds with Jeanne Bisceglia will be a fun introduction to a wide variety of art forms.  Drawing skills are developed in all projects.  Tuition is $90. and includes all materials.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

New Classes for January 2009

Manchester, NH -  Our New Class Schedule for the January Classes is now available on our website,   On the Art Studio page, there is a listing of classes arranged by the day of the week, and also,  a link to download a printable version of the class flyer.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Painting Demonstrations

Manchester, NH -  This fall, instructor Kim Roth added a Painting Demonstration Class to his list of offerings.  Over 6 weeks, students watched and listened as Kim painted and explained how & why he was doing what he was doing.  
In January, this class will again be on the schedule - Wednesdays at 10am.  Consider adding this class to supplement your painting course.  

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

On Display: photography by Betsy Gammons

Betsy Gammons, a graduate of The Rhode Island School of Design, has been employed as an art educator in Concord, NH since 1981. During that time, she was very fortunate to have been granted a two-year leave of absence to teach at the Frankfort International School in Germany, and then again at the American International School of Budapest in Hungary. Her travel experiences, whether home or abroad, provide her with much material for her work, which include pastel drawing, oil painting, and photography. She is continually inspired by color and design in the landscape, especially water, and the discoveries along and upon the water's edge. The images she shares with us are the result of a longing to wander off-the-beaten path in search of surprises that echo "stay this moment!"
Betsy's work will be on display in the Art Gallery through November 15th. We hope you will stop by to see more of her amazing images from off-the-beaten path!

More Pastel Classes with Instructor Sue Zylak

Manchester, NH -  Sue Zylak has announced continuations of her popular pastel and portrait classes.
  • Pastel Painting on Tuesday mornings, 10am - 12noon, 9 weeks starting October 21, $135.
  • Portraiture on Wednesday mornings, 10am - 12noon, 9 weeks starting October 22, $135.
  • Portraiture on Thursday evenings, 6pm - 8pm, 8 weeks starting October 23, $120.
All classes are held at the E. W. Poore Art Studio, 531 Front Street, Manchester. Call 622-3802 for more information, or to register, contact Sue at

Art Classes with Instructor Kim Roth

With the addition of 2 new classes, Kim Roth is offering art classes 4 days a week at the E. W. Poore Art Studio!
  • Tuesday 10am - 12 noon, Acrylic Painting
  • Tuesday 6pm - 8pm, Drawing, Watercolor, & Acrylic Painting
  • Wednesday 10am - 11:30am, Demonstration Class: Painting in Acrylics - Demonstrations & Discussion with time for questions
  • Thursday 10am -12noon, Acrylic Painting
  • Thursday 1pm - 2:30pm, Drawing for Painters - the fundamentals of drawing in an easy & fun class. Great foundation for painting!
  • Thursday 6pm - 8pm, Acrylic Painting
  • Friday 10am - 11:30am, Art History - The Great Painters & their Paintings, Art History taught in an informative & engaging way.
These classes will be offered as a 6 week session, starting the week of October 23rd. Call for more details 622-3802, or email Kim at

Thursday, September 11, 2008

MAA Artist of the Year: Judy Gelinas

Every year the Manchester Artists' Association honors a member as Artist of the Year. This year's recipient of this award is pastelist Judy Gelinas, of Manchester.
At E. W. Poore, we have been honored over the years to display artwork by the MAA's Artist of the Year, and this year is no exception. We were thrilled when Judy was selected as we get to peek over her shoulder on Thursday evenings when she is studying in our Art Studio with instructor, Mary Buergin.
Congratulations Judy!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Red Sox Nation comes to visit

We were very excited to have a visit from New Hampshire Governor of Red Sox Nation, Janice Page. Janice, who works at the VA Hospital, brought in a portrait of her grand-pup, Zoe, to be framed as a wedding gift for her daughter and new son-in-law.
Congratulations Janice, and GO SOX!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Fall Schedule Now Available

On our Fall Art Class Schedule you will find a wide range of classes for artists ages 8 through adults. With our instructors focusing on individual attention, the small size of our classes encourages artists of all abilities & talent levels to enjoy the creative process.

To print the Art Studio Schedule, double click on the image, and then select the print option from your toolbar.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Paintings by Gia Kramer

Capturing the light of Summer: We are very excited to have the artwork of Gia Kramer, of Manchester, on display August 1st - 15th. Gia's oil paintings capture the sumer light of New England and the Canadian Maritimes, rich with texture and depth. The mood in these pieces is amazing. We also have a selection of prints and cards featuring Gia's work. I hope you'll all stop in to see this fantastic show that is on display for a short time.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Cartooning Class for Summer!

Larry White has just added a Cartooning Class to our summer schedule! It will meet on Tuesday afternoons from 2 - 4pm, over 6 weeks starting July 15th. The focus of this session will be Animals in Cartoons. Larry has a wealth of information to share with his students, ages 10 to adult. Tuition is $90.00. Call today to enroll.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Now Showing: the Artwork of Brenda Ferro

Now on display in the Art Gallery is the artwork of Brenda Ferro. Working in pastel and acrylic, Brenda captures the beauty of the New England landscape. Also included in this exhibit are some of Brenda's favorite still life paintings. Please stop in and enjoy this beautiful show. On display through July 31st.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

"Learn to Paint Like the Old Masters" workshop

August 5th - 8th, Sue Zylak will be offering an oil painting workshop, "How to Paint like the Old Masters". Meeting daily from 10am to 3:30pm,
Sue will touch on many subjects including, but not limited to:
  • composition,
  • how to stretch a canvas & set up your palette,
  • how to do a value study underpainting,
  • setting up & photographing a still life, and more.
In addition, a daily demonstration will take place.

This workshop is not just for the beginning oil painter, many valuable hints will be discussed.
Workshop fee is $150. and materials are not included. This workshop will be held at the E. W. Poore Art Studio.
Class space is limited, so sign up today.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Summer Art Classes for Kids

Jeanne Bisceglia will be offering Mixed Media for Children, ages 7 - 10 years, this summer at the E. W. Poore Art Studio, 531 Front Street in Manchester. The 6 week class will meet on Thursday afternoons 3:15pm to 5:15pm starting July 10th. Also, she is offering the same class on Friday mornings from 9:30am to 11:30am. Class fee is $90.00 and all materials are included. Class size is limited, so sign your young artist up today!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

More Summer Art Classes

Kim Roth will be teaching in the Art Studio this summer. He will be offering 4 week sessions for $60.00, materials are not provided.

On Thursdays from 6pm to 8pm will be Drawing, Watercolor, & Acrylic painting; Session One starts June 19th, and Session Two starts July 24th.

Acrylic Painting will meet either Tuesdays 10am to 12noon or Thursday mornings 10am to 12noon. Session One starts June 17th or 19th, and Session Two starts July 22nd or 24th.

All classes meet at the E. W. Poore Art Studio, 531 Front Street, Manchester. Call today to register by phone.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Summer Classes

Jeanne Lachance has announced her summer schedule of classes.
Tuesdays or Thursdays 10am - 12noon.
The 6 week schedule will start in July (8th or 10th, 15 or 17th) and after a 2 week hiatus, continue for all four weeks of August.
All mediums, colored pencil, watercolor, oil, & collage, are encouraged to join in the summertime fun!

Classes meet at the E. W. Poore Art Studio, 531 Front Street, Manchester.

15th Annual Student Art Show

Our Annual Student Art Show is now on display. Over 60 pieces by our hardworking students, from age 7 to ???, can be viewed in our gallery during store hours. They will be on display through May 24th. Stop in today!

Watercolor & Wax Workshop

Jeanne Lachance will be holding a Watercolor & Wax workshop on Saturday May 31st from 10am - 2pm. The $45. fee includes supplies. W&W is very much like batiking on paper, & Jeanne is a master at this technique. Sign up today, and enjoy a very creative day. Call 603.622.3802 to sign up.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Silk & Ink Workshop with Jeanne Lachance

Join Jeanne for a fun 2-day workshop - painting with inks on silk. Saturday May 3rd & 10th, 10am to 2pm both days. Workshop fee is $120. and includes materials.

Friday, April 18, 2008

One More Week for the Juried Art Show

Our wildly successful 4th Annual Juried Art Show is on display for only one more week. I hope you have all been in to see "The Button Box" by Michelle Beliveau, and the other fantastic pieces on display.

We had a super turn-out for the Artists' Reception and a steady flow of visitors over the past two and a half weeks.

So, stop in and check it out - the show comes down April 26th, 2008.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Coming Soon: 2008 Student Art Show

The 15th Annual Student Art Show will be held May 1st -24th, 2008. A reception will be held on Thursday May 8th from 5-8pm. Please join us!

E. W. Poore students may submit one piece per class they are enrolled in. Artwork should be dropped off the week of April 19 - 26th. Pieces should be ready to hang.

Art Studio Classes

The Spring Session of the Art Studio is starting!

We have a wide variety of classes for all levels of experience.
Tuesday mornings:
Jeanne Lachance - Drawing, Colored Pencil, & Watercolor
Sue Zylak - Pastel Painting
Kim Roth - Acrylic Painting
Tuesday Evenings:
Jeff Hebert - Beginning Drawing
Kim Roth - Drawing, Colored Pencil, & Acrylic Painting
Mary Buergin - Pastel Painting
Jennifer Wentz - Matting & Framing
Wednesday Mornings:
Jeanne Lachance - Mixed Media Collage
Sue Zylak - Designing a Portrait
Thursday Mornings:
Jeanne Lachance - Oil Painting
Mary Buergin - Pastel Painting
Thursday Afternoons:
Jeanne Bisceglia - Drawing & Painting for Kids, 8 - 12 years
Thursday Evenings:
Sue Zylak - Designing a Portrait
Kim Roth - Acrylic Painting
Mary Buergin - Pastel Painting
Ron Bowman - Photography
Saturday Mornings:
Frank Moulin - Intermediate Watercolor

We hope you will join us for the Spring Session of the Art Studio!